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The Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville is always dedicated to its patients. The doctors and staff are compassionate and considerate, spending a great deal of time to ensure each patient is comfortable with and well-informed about our various procedures and practices. Since many members of our staff have undergone a cosmetic surgery procedure, we understand each patient’s situation and will offer our support and unique perspective on the surgical process. Your dreams are our priority and it is our mission to help make those dreams a reality.

由 two premier female plastic surgeons, our office performs a number of cosmetic procedures, including 隆胸博天堂旗舰版提升腹壁整形术/腹部除皱抽脂术post-bariatric cosmetic surgery整容眼睑整容术/眼睑手术肉毒杆菌® 注射等等.




呼叫 (615) 467-6777 安排预约. You can also contact The Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville online. Kindly provide two (2) business days notice if appointments must be canceled.

医生的会诊日. 玛丽Gingrass are Tuesdays and Thursdays.
医生的会诊日. 梅林达向左转 are Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

We now have virtual consultations available as well with the doctor of your choice. Learn more about online consultations 在这里.

Please note a consultation fee will be charged and can range anyw在这里 between $100 – $150 depending on the scope of the assessment. 


In the event of an emergency, the physician on call may be reached 24 hours a day at (615) 467-6777.


Ready to book your procedure with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons? Contact us today to schedule your consultation and begin your aesthetic journey!


咨询费150美元.00 will be charged when a consultation appointment is scheduled. If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, PSCON requires two (2) business days notice to receive a refund. A consultation may be rescheduled only one time if 2 business days notice is not given before rescheduling.

If you would like to schedule a surgery, a deposit is required in order to hold a date. Payment of your cosmetic surgery balance is due 14 days in advance of the surgery date. In most instances, this will be at the time of your preoperative visit.

The Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville accepts cash, checks (only 2 weeks prior to surgery date), 签证, 万事达卡, 美国运通和发现.

Click to learn about your financing options.

Surgery Cancellation/Rescheduling Policy

If you need to cancel your surgery 14 days or more before your surgery date, you are entitled to a full refund. Should you find it necessary to cancel your surgery 14 days or less before surgery, PSCON will refund your payment except for the deposit money, which will be applied to the payment of your rescheduled surgery or used for processing fees if you have not rescheduled within 30 days.


The staff of The Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville understands that treatment is a private decision. We will take the utmost care to protect your privacy before, during, and after your procedure.

To 安排一次咨询, to learn more about our cosmetic surgery procedures, or to ask more specific questions about our office policies, contact The Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville today.


Learn about our Board-Certified plastic surgeons and why you should choose two RealSelf 500 award winners for your next procedure!


Learn about our Board-Certified plastic surgeons and why you should choose two RealSelf 500 award winners for your next procedure!